Posted on: September 17, 2014 Posted by: James Comments: 0

Class Wargames Presents Guy Debord’s The Game of War

Class Wargames’ film is a 21st century treatise on revolutionary strategy in the cybernetic age. Inspired by Alice Becker-Ho and Guy Debord’s The Game of War, this movie analyses the modern conditions of neo-liberal capitalism and the methods required to transcend it. Utilising both classical military theory and the political insights of Situationism, this film provides an insurrectionary manual for those struggling to build a truly human civilisation.

On Vimeo

Full-length Film

Chapter 1: Terrain

Chapter 2: Arsenals

Chapter 3: Combat

Chapter 4: Cavalry

Chapter 5: Lines of Communications


Stewart Home, The “Game of War” film at the HTTP Gallery

“Proletarian post-modern variants on the hoary tradition of mock praise are a groove sensation!”

John Wyver, A Ludic Lesson in Class Warfare

“… a hugely unlikely but provocative conjunction of wargames, revolutionary theory, classic movie clips ‘turned’ against themselves and leftist politics leavened with dry humour.”

Scott Lenney, Class War: The Game: The Movie

“… what the film insists on, again and again, is that one must play the game for oneself. Understanding the concepts is not sufficient, because unlike games that attempt to extract themselves from the social, [The] Game of War allows for spontaneous, unmanaged expressions that at the very least, make it a worthwhile pursuit.”

Gary Mitchell, Turn On, June In, Drop Out

“… the sort of neo-Marxist clap-trap [that] some guys spouted at Uni[versity] in the [19]70s to impress the chicks …”

Booklet of the Film Launch

Collective Playing of The Game of War at Housmans Bookshop, Sunday 28th October 2012.

Talk on Booklet of Film by Fabian Tompsett and Richard Barbrook at Housmans Bookshop, Wednesday 31st October 2012.


Class Wargames Interviews Kimathi Donkor

Invisible Forces, Furtherfield Gallery, 16th June-11th August 2012.

Class Wargames at the 2011 Anarchist Bookfair

Queen Mary’s College, London, 27th October 2011.

Class Wargames at the 2010 Anarchist Bookfair

Queen Mary’s College, London, 23rd October 2010.

Class Wargames at the Wunderbar Festival

Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, 14th November 2009.

Class Wargames at Cyberfest 2008

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 28th November 2008.


Ilze Black’s audiovisual meditation on the information battlefield, March 2011.

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Elena – a tribute

Elena Mikhailovna Duffield (née Vorontsova) 1975-2012.
Class Wargames salutes the memory of our much missed fallen comrade.
Ilze Black made this video tribute to Elena.

Play the film

Class Wargames представляет: Игра в войну Ги Дебора

Фильм Class Wargames — это современный трактат о революционной стратегии в эпоху кибернетики. Фильм, навеянный «Игрой в войну» Алис Беккер и Ги Дебора, анализирует современные условия неолиберального капитализма и методы, необходимые для его преодоления. С привлечением как классической военной теории, так и понятия Ситуационизма, фильм предлагает руководство к бунту для тех, кто борется за построение воистину гуманной цивилизации.

Смотреть фильм

Klasowe Gry Wojenne przedstawia Gra Wojenna Guy Deborda

Klasowe gry wojenne jest XXI -wiecznym traktatem o rewolucyjnej startegii w dobie cybernetyki. Zainspirowany przez Alice Becker-Ho oraz Grę wojenną Guy’a Deborda, ten film analizuje nowoczesne warunki neoliberalnego kapitalizmu oraz methody niezbędne do jego przekroczenia. Wykorzystując zarówno klasyczną teorię militarną jak i polityczny wgląd jaki dał na sytuacjonizm, film ten dostarcza powstańczej instruckji tym którzy walczą o budowę prawdziwie ludzkiej cywilizacji.

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Class Wargames Spielt Guy Debords Kriegspiel

Class Wargames’ film is a 21st century treatise on revolutionary strategy in the cybernetic age. Inspired by Alice Becker-Ho and Guy Debord’s The Game of War, this movie analyses the modern conditions of neo-liberal capitalism and the methods required to transcend it. Utilising both classical military theory and the political insights of Situationism, this film provides an insurrectionary manual for those struggling to build a truly human civilisation.

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